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Product Comparisons: How to Compare Storefront Items

Mar 20, 2015 1 min read 460 views
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Product Comparisons: How to Compare Storefront Items

A possibility of comparing products is one of the important functions in online stores. This option is frequently used by marketing specialists as a tool for attracting and keeping customers on the site.

What is good in Magento ® is that most of the necessary optimization features are built in the basic system package. It is important to know about them and learn how to use them. Today GoMage experts will show you how to choose the options by which the products can be compared.

Comparison menus can be configured for any products – the main condition is that they have at least one similar attribute. Actually, customers may even compare a vacuum cleaner, a skirt, and a chair, if those items have the same color. That is why it is reasonable to create more extensive filters for product comparisons. This will increase the level of shopper comfort on your site and will help customers develop their experience of buying products online.

In the process of adding a new product, you can control which attributes are chosen for comparison. Each option has a field for “Frontend comparison”. Set it to ‘Yes’ if you wish that option to be used for comparing this specific product with the others.

In order to modify that option for previously added products you should go to Catalog – Properties – Manage properties and select the option you wish to edit. In order to see a full list of options available for comparison, it is necessary to choose ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for the ‘Products comparison’ field in the last column. Click on the attribute in order to modify it. Choose ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the drop-down list for ‘Frontend comparison’. As soon as all actions have been done, save the changes.

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