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Best Enterprise eCommerce Platforms. The 2023 List

Jul 25, 2023 13 min read 42 views
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best enterprise ecommerce platforms

When a small eCommerce company becomes a big enterprise, its needs change significantly. At this point, a business should consider adopting a more advanced eCommerce platform.

While small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have a wide variety of eCommerce solutions to choose from, large companies often have a more limited selection that can effectively cater to their specific business requirements.


An ideal solution for larger enterprises should not only focus on commercial operations but should also encompass a comprehensive range of related tasks within a single platform. This means that functionalities such as inventory and order management, accounting, customer relationship management, resource planning, marketing, reporting, analytics, and more are all integrated and accessible within the same solution.


In this comprehensive guide, we will provide an in-depth understanding of eCommerce platforms for enterprise-level businesses. We will explore the 5 best enterprise eCommerce platforms available today and equip you with the knowledge needed to select the perfect fit for your unique business project.


Let’s start.

What is an enterprise eCommerce platform?

An enterprise eCommerce platform refers to a robust and scalable software solution specifically designed to cater to the complex needs of large-scale businesses or enterprises. It serves as a comprehensive framework that enables organizations to establish, manage, and optimize their online storefronts, allowing them to sell products or services to customers in a digital environment.


In essence, an enterprise eCommerce platform serves as a central hub that integrates various business processes, streamlines operations, enhances customer experiences, and drives revenue generation in the online marketplace.

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6 Types of enterprise eCommerce platforms

Enterprise eCommerce platforms can be broadly categorized into six types: on-site, cloud-based, SaaS, open-source, headless, and composable solutions. Each option has its own advantages and considerations, providing businesses with flexibility in choosing the most suitable platform based on their specific needs.

#1 On-site enterprise eCommerce platforms

On-site enterprise eCommerce platforms, also known as self-hosted platforms, involve hosting the eCommerce infrastructure on the company’s own servers. With this approach, businesses have complete control over their eCommerce environment, allowing for customizations and tailored configurations to meet specific requirements. On-site platforms often provide extensive flexibility in terms of design, functionality, and integration with existing systems.


One of the key advantages of on-site platforms is data control and security. As businesses retain full ownership and control over their servers and data, they can implement stringent security measures and ensure compliance with industry standards. Additionally, on-site platforms offer more control over server performance and scalability, allowing for fine-tuning and optimization based on specific business needs.


However, on-site enterprise eCommerce platforms require a higher level of technical expertise and infrastructure management. Businesses need to allocate resources for server maintenance, security updates, and system backups. The initial setup and ongoing maintenance can be resource-intensive and may involve higher costs.

#2 Cloud-based enterprise eCommerce platforms

Cloud-based enterprise eCommerce platforms, also known as SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions, operate on remote servers managed by the platform provider. In this model, businesses access and utilize the eCommerce platform through a web browser, without the need for managing server infrastructure.


Cloud-based platforms offer several advantages, including easier setup, reduced upfront costs, and simplified maintenance. Businesses can quickly get started with their eCommerce operations as the infrastructure is readily available in the cloud. Additionally, cloud-based platforms often provide automatic updates and security patches, ensuring the system is up-to-date without requiring manual intervention.


Scalability is another key benefit of cloud-based platforms. As businesses grow, they can easily scale their eCommerce operations by leveraging the platform’s infrastructure, without the need for significant investments in hardware or server upgrades. Cloud-based platforms also offer greater accessibility, enabling businesses to manage their eCommerce operations from anywhere with an internet connection.


However, businesses using cloud-based platforms may have limited customization options compared to on-site solutions. The level of customization depends on the platform’s capabilities and flexibility. Additionally, businesses must rely on the platform provider for data security and privacy, making it crucial to select a reputable and reliable provider that adheres to stringent security protocols.

#3 SaaS (Software as a Service) enterprise eCommerce platforms

SaaS platforms are cloud-based solutions where the eCommerce infrastructure is hosted and managed by a third-party provider. Businesses access the platform through a web browser, eliminating the need for self-hosting or infrastructure management. SaaS platforms offer several advantages, including ease of setup, automatic updates, scalability, and reduced upfront costs. They are particularly beneficial for businesses looking for a quick and hassle-free solution without the complexities of infrastructure management.


One of the key benefits is the ease of setup and maintenance. With SaaS, businesses can quickly get started without the need for extensive technical knowledge or infrastructure management. Updates and security patches are automatically handled by the platform provider, ensuring that businesses have access to the latest features and protection against vulnerabilities.


Additionally, SaaS platforms often offer scalability, allowing businesses to easily adjust resources and handle increased traffic or growth without investing in additional infrastructure. However, one potential drawback is limited customization options. While SaaS platforms may provide some degree of flexibility, businesses may encounter limitations when it comes to tailoring the platform to their unique requirements. Integration with external systems or complex workflows may require additional effort or may not be possible within the constraints of the platform.

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#4 Open-Source enterprise eCommerce platforms

Open-source platforms provide businesses with full access to the source code, allowing them to customize and modify the platform according to their specific needs. These platforms offer flexibility, extensive customization options, and a vibrant community of developers. Businesses have the freedom to tailor the platform to their unique requirements and leverage the contributions from the open-source community. However, open-source platforms may require technical expertise, maintenance, and potential costs associated with development and ongoing support.


With full access to the source code, businesses can modify the platform to meet their specific needs, ensuring a tailored solution. The vibrant community surrounding open-source projects provides access to a wealth of plugins, extensions, and developer resources, allowing businesses to leverage the collective knowledge and contributions of the community.


However, there are considerations to keep in mind. While open-source platforms provide extensive customization options, businesses need to allocate resources for development, maintenance, and ongoing support. Technical expertise is essential to navigate the complexities of customizing and managing the platform effectively. Additionally, businesses may need to carefully evaluate the security aspects of open-source platforms, as the responsibility for ensuring a secure environment lies with the business itself.

#5 Headless enterprise eCommerce platforms

Headless platforms decouple the front-end presentation layer from the back-end eCommerce functionality. This separation allows businesses to have greater flexibility in delivering personalized customer experiences across various touchpoints, including websites, mobile apps, voice assistants, or IoT devices.


With a headless architecture, businesses can leverage different front-end technologies, content management systems (CMS), and design frameworks to create engaging and immersive user experiences. However, implementing a headless approach may require more development resources and integration efforts.


Headless platforms offer businesses the freedom to deliver immersive and personalized experiences across various channels. By decoupling the front-end presentation layer from the back-end functionality, businesses can leverage different technologies and frameworks to create engaging user experiences. This flexibility allows for a seamless integration of multiple touchpoints, such as websites, mobile apps, or voice assistants.

#6 Composable enterprise eCommerce platforms

Composable platforms offer a modular and highly flexible approach to building an eCommerce system. They consist of individual, independent components or services that can be combined and integrated seamlessly. Businesses can choose and assemble the specific functionalities they need, such as product management, inventory management, payment processing, or marketing tools, from a range of pre-built services. Composable platforms allow businesses to adapt and evolve their eCommerce system by adding or removing components as needed, providing agility and scalability. However, managing multiple integrations and ensuring compatibility between services may require careful planning and technical expertise.


Composable platforms offer modular and adaptable solutions for businesses seeking flexibility and scalability. By selecting and integrating specific components or services, businesses can build a customized eCommerce system tailored to their needs. This modular approach allows for agility in adding or removing functionalities as the business evolves.


Composable platforms also enable businesses to leverage best-of-breed services for different aspects of their eCommerce operations. However, managing multiple integrations and ensuring compatibility between various services can be complex and time-consuming. Businesses need to carefully plan and consider the long-term maintenance and support requirements of a composable ecosystem.

Key features to look for in enterprise eCommerce platforms

Now, let’s explore in detail the essential features that make enterprise eCommerce platforms an exceptional choice for businesses aiming for growth and scalability.

  • Enhanced infrastructure

These platforms possess a strong and reliable infrastructure that can handle large volumes of traffic, data, and transactions. This guarantees optimal performance and uninterrupted service, even during peak periods of high traffic.

  • Simplified management of extensive product catalogs

Businesses can efficiently organize and manage extensive product catalogs with ease. These platforms offer flexible options for handling a wide range of products, ensuring smooth operations and organization.

  • Diverse selling channels

These platforms enable businesses to expand their reach by seamlessly selling products across multiple online marketplaces and social media platforms. This broadens the customer base and enhances sales opportunities.

  • Tailored customization

Businesses have the freedom to customize their storefront according to their specific requirements. They can apply custom branding, incorporate specialized functionalities, and integrate with other systems, ensuring a unique and tailored shopping experience.

  • Advanced data analysis

Advanced analytics tools provide businesses with valuable insights derived from data. These platforms offer a comprehensive range of metrics and analytics capabilities, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions, optimize performance, and improve conversion rates.

  • Seamless integration with third-party tools

Integration with various third-party tools, such as ERP, PIM, DAM, and CRM systems, enhances the functionality and capabilities of the eCommerce platform. This seamless integration streamlines operations and improves overall efficiency.

  • Personalized customer experiences

Businesses can deliver personalized experiences to customers by creating targeted marketing campaigns and offering personalized product recommendations. These platforms enable businesses to track and analyze customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history, allowing for personalized interactions and increased customer loyalty.

  • Expansion into new regions

Enterprise eCommerce platforms provide comprehensive internationalization support, including multi-language and multi-currency capabilities. This enables businesses to cater to customers from different regions, languages, and currencies. Moreover, these platforms help businesses comply with various regional laws and regulations, ensuring legal compliance and smooth operations in different regions.

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Benefits of enterprise eCommerce platforms

The adoption of enterprise eCommerce platform offers several benefits:

  1. Cost-effective scalability. Adopting an enterprise eCommerce solution provides a more cost-effective and efficient way to scale your operations. It eliminates the need for significant investments in infrastructure and resources, allowing you to expand your business without incurring excessive costs.
  2. Enhanced customer engagement and retention. By integrating user-friendly interfaces, intuitive designs, and AI-powered recommendation marketing, eCommerce platforms can greatly improve the customer experience. This, in turn, helps increase customer engagement and retention rates, leading to long-term customer loyalty.
  3. Streamlined business operations. Enterprise eCommerce software enables businesses to streamline their processes, eliminating unnecessary activities and reducing expenses. This optimization enhances the efficiency of your business operations, leading to improved profitability.
  4. Data-driven decision-making. eCommerce platforms provide valuable analytical data about products and customers. This data can be leveraged to make informed decisions and drive strategic initiatives, ultimately benefiting both the business and its customers.
  5. Personalized marketing approaches. The best enterprise eCommerce solutions incorporate AI technology, enabling businesses to conduct personalized marketing campaigns. By tailoring marketing strategies based on customer preferences and history, businesses can deliver targeted and impactful marketing messages.
  6. Expanded customer reach. eCommerce platforms open up opportunities to reach a wider range of customers, beyond geographical boundaries. This global reach allows businesses to tap into new markets and expand their customer base.
  7. Improved technical capacity. Large businesses can benefit from improved technical capabilities when using enterprise eCommerce software. These platforms are designed to handle high volumes of traffic, ensure security, manage extensive product catalogs, and provide robust storage capacity.
  8. Branding consistency. The customization options offered by enterprise eCommerce solutions allow businesses to align the platform with their global brand image. This ensures a consistent look and feel across all customer touchpoints, reinforcing brand identity.
  9. Seamless integration with other software. An enterprise eCommerce software solution should seamlessly integrate with other software applications used within your business. This interconnected integration enables smooth data flow and coordination across various systems, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.

5 Best enterprise eCommerce platforms in 2023

Let’s take a look at the best eCommerce solutions for enterprise-level businesses.

#1 Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce, is a self-hosted enterprise eCommerce platform that provides businesses with extensive creative control over website design. With knowledge of coding or the assistance of skilled developers, users have the freedom to customize their websites according to their specific needs.


One of the notable strengths of Magento Commerce lies in its vast selection of integrations, offering businesses unmatched flexibility in integrating various tools and services into their eCommerce ecosystem.


Adobe Commerce offers a range of notable features, including omnichannel B2B and B2C commerce capabilities, personalized customer shopping experiences based on AI and business intelligence, multi-channel customer reach, streamlined multi-site management on a single platform, and support for mobile and advanced web applications.


Several well-known brands, including Toyota, Ben & Jerry’s, Gibson, and Kodak, have chosen Magento Commerce to power their eCommerce operations.

#2 Shopify

Shopify is a good choice for enterprises seeking a robust and user-friendly eCommerce solution that provides everything they need right from the start. This fully hosted platform takes care of code, bandwidth, and security concerns in advance, ensuring high performance and the capability to handle a large volume of transactions per minute.


Shopify offers several advantages for enterprise users. It provides a comprehensive and ready-to-use eCommerce platform with a wide range of essential features included. Additionally, users have access to a plethora of extensions and plugins, allowing for further customization and functionality enhancements. The platform also supports omnichannel commerce, enabling businesses to sell across multiple channels seamlessly.


Furthermore, Shopify provides dedicated, round-the-clock customer service with priority support for enterprise clients. The platform can support multiple sites and locations, ensuring scalability and versatility. Moreover, Shopify is known for its stability and reliability, providing businesses with peace of mind.


However, there are some limitations to consider when using Shopify. While it offers a range of customizable themes and extensions, there is limited code and design flexibility. Companies cannot create their own designs or modules from scratch but must work within the framework provided by extensions.


Additionally, the final cost of using Shopify can be difficult to determine in advance due to frequent pricing changes and the need to consider additional costs for added functionality. Finally, Shopify has limited B2B functionality compared to platforms specifically designed for business-to-business transactions.

#3 Squarespace Enterprise

Squarespace Enterprise offers a selection of award-winning templates known for their elegant and sophisticated designs, making them an excellent choice for businesses that prioritize their brand image. The platform also provides consultation services and design recommendations from their in-house experts to ensure your brand’s visuals align with your objectives.


In terms of pricing, Squarespace Enterprise has a yearly cost of $4,900. To get an accurate quote tailored to your specific needs, it is recommended to reach out to one of their team members.


Squarespace Enterprise boasts notable features, including a comprehensive inventory system, powerful blogging tools, the ability to assign different roles and permissions to team members for enhanced efficiency, and a wide array of over 100 modern design templates suitable for various industries. The platform also offers flexible payment options, allowing businesses to accept credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay.


However, it is important to note a couple of drawbacks with Squarespace Enterprise. Firstly, the platform lacks an extension store for integrating third-party applications into your site. This limitation restricts customization options compared to some other eCommerce platforms. Additionally, while Squarespace is a versatile platform, it may not offer the same level of specialization in eCommerce as its competitors.

#4 Salesforce

Salesforce encompasses several components, including Salesforce B2C Commerce for efficient retail sales tailored to individual users, Salesforce B2B Commerce for streamlined wholesale operations, Commerce Cloud Endless Aisle for personalized shopping experiences based on effective product management, and Commerce Cloud Order Management for flawless order management integration.


Utilizing this all-inclusive platform, enterprises can enjoy numerous business benefits. These include the ability to conduct omnichannel sales, leveraging customer behavior analytics and content personalization using the Salesforce Einstein personalization engine, providing tailored customer experiences, accessing a wide range of touchpoints within the system (such as mobile apps and POS), managing globally distributed websites and locations from a single platform, 24/7 customer support, and unlimited customization options. Furthermore, the platform facilitates easy integrations within the holistic eCommerce ecosystem.


However, it is important to consider certain drawbacks associated with this powerful enterprise eCommerce platform. Salesforce development requires programming expertise, as the process is not inherently intuitive. Additionally, the pricing structure based on sales volume may result in potentially high overall costs. Lastly, the number of implementation agencies for Salesforce Commerce Cloud is limited, which can impact the availability of specialized support and services.

#5 BigCommerce Enterprise

Similar to Shopify Plus, BigCommerce Enterprise is a fully hosted eCommerce platform that provides a marketplace for third-party apps. It is designed to be user-friendly and does not require technical skills for setup.


Notable features of BigCommerce Enterprise include a product search function that enables personalized customer experiences by providing tailored suggestions based on language, location, and purchasing history. The platform allows for quick syncing of extensive product catalogs, supporting up to 400 API calls per second. It also offers support for over 250 types of payment in more than 100 countries.


BigCommerce Enterprise ensures multi-layered security and protection against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, safeguarding the platform from potential hackers. Users can preview and make real-time design changes to their desktop or mobile websites before publishing updates.


However, one drawback of BigCommerce Enterprise is the limited store personalization options it provides. Additionally, when using the PayPal payment gateway to sell products, transaction fees remain the same as those of the BigCommerce “Basic” plan, without any reduction.

How to choose the best enterprise eCommerce platform?

Here’s a list of tips to help you make an informed decision when choosing an enterprise eCommerce platform:

  • Clearly define your business goals and expectations from the enterprise eCommerce solution. This includes increasing profits, reducing costs, enhancing scalability and stability, improving data analysis, optimizing employee load, and improving user experience.
  • Consider the overall cost of the enterprise eCommerce solution, including platform costs, development, deployment, integration, design, migration, and ongoing maintenance.
  • Assess the technical requirements of your business and ensure that the chosen solution can meet them. Consider both desktop and mobile solutions, focusing on performance, speed, reliability, and flexibility.
  • Ensure that the platform provides robust security measures to protect customer data and prevent data breaches or cyber attacks.
  • Consider the growing variety of sales channels and ensure that the platform supports omnichannel commerce.
  • With the majority of users accessing the internet through mobile devices, it is essential to choose a platform that is mobile-friendly.
  • Look for a solution that supports search engine optimization (SEO) to help potential customers find your business online.
  • Choose a platform that can seamlessly integrate with other components of your IT landscape, such as ERP, CRM, or marketing automation systems.

Final thoughts

There isn’t a universally superior enterprise eCommerce platform. The ideal eCommerce platform for your business is the one that aligns with your specific requirements and offers a reasonable cost.


When selecting an enterprise eCommerce solution, it is crucial to consider factors such as your budget, the total cost of ownership, the necessary third-party integrations, and the features that will have a meaningful impact on your business.

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    Frequently Asked Questions
    What is an enterprise eCommerce platform?

    An enterprise eCommerce platform is a robust and scalable software solution designed to meet the complex needs of large-scale businesses or enterprises. It serves as a comprehensive framework for managing and optimizing online storefronts to sell products or services to customers in a digital environment.

    What are the key features of an enterprise eCommerce platform?

    Key features of an enterprise eCommerce platform include enhanced infrastructure, simplified management of extensive product catalogs, diverse selling channels, tailored customization, advanced data analysis, seamless integration with third-party tools, personalized customer experiences, and expansion into new regions.

    What are the benefits of using an enterprise eCommerce platform?

    The benefits of using an enterprise eCommerce platform include cost-effective scalability, enhanced customer engagement and retention, streamlined business operations, data-driven decision-making, personalized marketing approaches, expanded customer reach, improved technical capacity, branding consistency, and seamless integration with other software applications.

    What are the best enterprise eCommerce platforms?

    The best enterprise eCommerce platforms in 2023 include Adobe Commerce, Shopify, Squarespace Enterprise, Salesforce, and BigCommerce Enterprise.

    How to choose the right enterprise eCommerce platform?

    To choose the right enterprise eCommerce platform, consider your business goals and expectations, assess the overall cost, evaluate technical requirements, prioritize security measures, consider omnichannel capabilities, mobile-friendliness, SEO support, and integration capabilities.

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