Modify code with Targetables

Targetables are objects that give you access to the source code for the files in your project or library. They let you change the final application bundles by applying transformations to the source code during the build process.

Targetables are useful in two scenarios:

  • As a storefront developer, you can use Targetables to transform the source file in any of your project’s dependencies.
  • As an extension developer, you can use Targetables to add Targets to your own extension.

Access the TargetableSet class

The most common pattern for working with Targetable objects is to connect an instance of the TargetableSet to the TargetProvider sent to the intercept file. Then, you can use that instance to create Targetable objects.

// Access the TargetableSet class
const { Targetables } = require('@magento/pwa-buildpack')

module.exports = targets => {
    // Create a TargetableSet instance connected to this project's TargetProvider
    const targetables = Targetables.using(targets);

    // Use the TargetableSet to create Targetable objects

Create Targetable objects

Use the TargetableSet instance to create a TargetableModule class object or one of its subclasses. The TargetableModule class itself represents a plain module. It contains functions that let it manipulate the source code directly.

const { Targetables } = require('@magento/pwa-buildpack')

module.exports = targets => {
    const targetables = Targetables.using(targets);

    // Create a TargetableModule instance that points to the main.js source
    const MainComponent = targetables.module(

    // Insert a console log message in the source
        'const Main = props => {\n',
        '\tconsole.log("Hello World");\n'


Other Targetable classes, such as TargetableESModule, are subclasses of TargetableModule. They contain specialized functions that let it work with different modules or file types.

Chain transformations

Some Targetable classes, such as TargetableModule and TargetableReactComponent, support method chaining. Certain methods in these classes are chainable, which let you call these methods one after another in your code.

const { Targetables } = require('@magento/pwa-buildpack')

module.exports = targets => {
    const targetables = Targetables.using(targets);

    const MainComponent = targetables.reactComponent(

            'div className={pageClass}',
            '<span>appendJSX succeeded!</span>'
        .addJSXClassName('Header', '"myClass"')
            '<Header />',
            '<span>insertBeforeJSX succeeded!</span>'

Unbound Targetable objects

A less common pattern for using Targetables is to access the Targetables classes directly and creating an object that is not connected to a project’s TargetProvider.

const { Targetables } = require('@magento/pwa-buildpack')

module.exports = targets => {
    // Create an unbound Targetable ESModule object from a file
    const handlers = new Targetables.ESModule('src/lib/handlers.js');

    // Wrap an export in a decorator from another file
    handlers.wrapWithFile('handleLoad', 'src/overrides/doSomethingOnLoad.js');

    // Send it all to the build
    targets.of('@magento/pwa-buildpack').transformModules.tap(addTransform => {
        handlers.flush().forEach(request => addTransform(request));