Custom project templates

PWA Studio scaffolding tools allow you to specify a template to build a new storefront project. The default template they use is the venia-concept project.

Buildpack folder

The venia-concept has a _buildpack directory in the project root and a script called create.js inside that directory. The presence of create.js within the _buildpack directory indicates that this project can be used as a template for the buildpack create-project command.

The create.js file

The create.js file defines a function that returns an object with ignores, before, visitor, and after properties. These properties are functions that provide instructions for the buildpack create-project command.

The function defined in create.js is passed in an object with the following properties:

  • fs - An instance of the fs-extra library, which provides utilities for most of the common copy operations.
  • tasks - An object which provides common handlers that template developers can use for globs.
  • options - An object that contains the parameters used in the buildpack create-project command.

When the create project command executes, it walks the template project’s directory tree and applies the instructions provided by the returned object’s properties.


The ignores property is an array of glob patterns. Files that match these patterns are not processed by the create project command.

Use this property to prevent the create command from processing project-specific or unimportant files.


The before property defines a function that runs before the command walks the directory tree. Use this property to add pre-processing logic during project creation.


The visitor property is a mapping object that maps a glob pattern to a file handler function. The glob pattern is the map key, and the file handler function is the value associated with that key.

When the project creation tool walks the directory tree, it looks for files that match each glob pattern and runs the visitor function associated with that pattern.

Use this property to perform custom transformation logic on a file before copying it to the new project.

{ visitor: { 'package.json': ({ path, targetPath, options }) => { const pkg = fs.readJsonSync(path); =; fs.writeJsonSync(targetPath, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 4)); } } }

This is an example of a visitor property that targets the template project’s package.json file and modifies its name before writing it out to the targetPath.

Note: The buildpack create-project command does not perform the actual file copy. Use the convenient tasks.IGNORE and tasks.COPY handlers provided by the tool to perform common ignore and copy file tasks.


The after property defines a function that runs after the command walks the directory tree. Use this property to add post-processing logic during project creation.