Extensibility framework
PWA Studio’s extensibility framework provides the tools you need to customize and extend your storefront without copying over code from the core PWA Studio project. The extensibility framework gives developers the ability to:
- Extend the base Venia storefront with minimal core code duplication
- Create and install extensions for PWA Studio storefronts
- Create their own extendible modules and storefronts
How it works
The extensibility framework uses a modular approach for modifying application behavior. It applies configurations and customizations defined inside extensions you install in the project.
Extensions for PWA Studio storefronts are normal NPM packages you install as a project dependency. These packages contain instructions that affect the build process and static code output for the generated application bundles. By modifying the output code during build time, there is no runtime performance cost associated with changing the storefront behavior.
The following diagram illustrates the general build process for a basic storefront with no extensions and a storefront that installs an extension.
This is different from a plugin architecture where the application detects and dispatches plugins as the front end loads in the browser. The more plugins you install with this architecture, the slower the application gets as it becomes bloated with overhead processes.
Interceptor pattern
The extensibility framework implements an interceptor pattern to allow changes to the build process. The interceptor pattern lets a module C intercept the flow of logic between module A and module B and add its own logic.
In PWA Studio, the points where a module may intercept the normal flow of logic and add their own are Targets. The framework uses the BuildBus to gather instructions from each extension’s Intercept File. These files determine which Targets the extension intercepts and extends during the build process.
Targets are objects that represent areas in code you can access and intercept. These extension points are variants of a simple, common JavaScript pattern called the Tapable hook and share some functionality with NodeJS’s EventEmitter class.
Targets let you choose a code process’s extension point by name and let you run interceptor code when that process executes. Unlike EventEmmitter objects, Targets have defined behavior for how and in what order they run their interceptors. How those interceptors change the logic is also a defined behavior for Targets.
Targets are part of a package’s public API along with the modules it exports. They provide another layer of customization on top of using plain code composition techniques with modules.
A TargetProvider is an object that manages the connections between modules and their Targets. This object is available to your module’s intercept file and is the API you use to access Targets or declare them.
Each extension receives its own TargetProvider in its intercept and declare files. Use this object to declare a module’s own targets, intercept its own targets, or intercept the targets of other extensions.
An example of a Target is the richContentRenderers target declared by the Venia UI package. This Target lets you change the behavior of the RichContent component across your project by adding a rendering strategy. Tapping into this Target gives access to a richContentRenders list object in your intercept function. Calling the add() function on this object lets you add a custom rendering strategy for your storefront.
The Page Builder extension provides an example of how to intercept this Target. It taps the Target and provides an intercept function that adds a custom renderer for any detected Page Builder content.
.richContentRenderers.tap(richContentRenderers => {
componentName: 'PageBuilder',
importPath: '@magento/pagebuilder'
Declare files
A declare file lists the Targets available for interception in an extension or package. During build time, the framework looks for this file using the value set for pwa-studio.targets.declare in your project’s package.json file. The framework registers the Targets in all the declare files it finds in the project and dependencies before it runs any intercept files. This guarantees Target availability to any dependent interceptor.
Declare files must export a function that accepts a TargetProvider object as a parameter. It provides a declare() function to register your project’s Targets by providing it a dictionary object, which maps a unique name to its Target.
When you register your Target, the dictionary key is the named property a developer uses to access that Target. In the Page Builder example, the dictionary key for the rich content renderers Target that Venia UI declares is richContentRenderers.
The value associated with the key is a variant of a Tapable hook created using one of the class constructors available under the TargetProvider object’s types property. Each class constructor accepts an optional array of strings that represent the list of arguments passed to the intercept function.
The TargetProvider object exposes the same classes as the Tapable package except their names do not end with ‘Hook’. This is intentional to avoid confusion with the concept of React Hooks. For example, the SyncWaterfallHook class from Tapable is SyncWaterfall under the TargetProvider object’s types property.
See the Hook types section of the Tapable documentation to learn about the available hook types.
Example declare file content
module.exports = targets => {
perfReport: new targets.types.AsyncParallel(['report'])
socialIcons: new targets.types.SyncWaterfall(['iconlist'])
he example provided declares two Targets that this project or other modules can intercept, a perfReport Target and a socialIcons Target. Intercept files can access these Targets using targets.of(<package name>).perfReport and targets.of(<package name>).socialIcons respectively.
The perfReport key maps to a Target type that runs its interceptors asynchronously and in parallel. This is appropriate for logging and monitoring interceptors that do not affect functionality.
The socialIcons key maps to a Target type that runs its interceptors synchronously and in subscription order, which passes its return values as arguments to the next interceptor. This is appropriate for customizations that must happen in a predictable order.
Both targets passes in a single parameter to their intercept functions, a report argument and an iconlist argument.
Intercept files
The intercept file describes the targets you want to intercept and define or extend. During build time, the framework looks for this file using the value for pwa-studio.targets.intercept in your project’s package.json file. These files execute after all the declare files register their Targets.
Your intercept files must export a function that accepts a TargetProvider object as a parameter. This object gives you access to all available Targets in your project that let you make customizations, gather data, change the build itself, or develop and call your own declared targets. The TargetProvider object provides an of() function and an own property to access Targets in other packages or Targets within its own module respectively.
For more information on how intercept files work, see the tutorial on how to Intercept a Target.<
Example intercept file content
module.exports = targets => {
const builtins = targets.of("@magento/pwa-buildpack");
builtins.specialFeatures.tap((featuresByModule) => {
featuresByModule["my-extension"] = {
esModules: true,
The example provided defines an intercept file that intercepts the specialFeatures target in the @magento/pwa-buildpack package. It adds a webpack configuration for the my-extension package that lets the build process know that the package uses ES modules.
Intercept functions
When you call the tap() function on a Target, you supply it with an intercept function. An intercept function is a callback function that provides the interception logic for a specific Target. Calling the tap() function registers your intercept function with that Target. When the framework builds your project, it generates code that calls your intercept function when the project runs the Target code.
The function signature for an intercept function depends on the tapped Target. In the Page Builder example, the intercept function signature when you tap the richContentRenderers target is a function that receives a list object, which lets you add custom rendering strategies. Other Targets may require you to return a modified value, use an object with a specific API, or provide a configuration.
Read the reference API on this site or in doc blocks in the source code to learn about the intercept function signatures for each Target.
Writing intercept and declare files
When writing intercept and declare files, keep in mind the following requirements:
- Both files must export a function that accepts a TargetProvider object as a parameter.
- Both files are CommonJS modules that run in Node.
- You can create these files anywhere in your project, but you must specify their paths in your package.json file.
As shown in the previous examples, a common practice when authoring these files involve assigning the TargetProvider object to a targets variable.
Targets in PWA Studio packages
When you create a new storefront project using the scaffolding tool, you have access to all the same PWA Studio Targets as the Venia storefront. The following is a list of PWA Studio packages that contain Targets.
- Buildpack
- Targets in the Buildpack are low level and generic. They are often used as building blocks for more complicated feature Targets. You can also find Targets that let you add environment variables or change UPWARD behavior in this package.
- Peregrine
- Targets in the Peregrine package focus mainly on the set of talons it provides. The talons Target lets you wrap a Talon with your own module.
- Venia UI
- Targets in the Venia UI provide access to the list of items used in the UI components. These Targets let you add new routes, rendering strategies, and payment methods.
Extension examples
The PWA Studio scaffolding tool also installs extensions on all new storefront projects. These extensions use the framework to add useful features on top of the base application. They are also examples of what a PWA Studio storefront extension looks like.
- @magento/upward-security-headers
- This extension adds security headers to UPWARD by tapping into the transformUpward Target in Buildpack.
- @magento/venia-sample-language-packs
- This extension provides sample translations for PWA Studio’s internationalization feature.