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Product Images in Magento ®: How To Make Your Store Shine

Mar 14, 2014 2 min read 647 views
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Product Images in Magento ®: How To Make Your Store Shine

Images are part of search engines for web stores. Let us review how to add images in Magento ® and the process of their optimization.

Also, it should be mentioned that you should choose the correct eCommerce templates to have the opportunity to add a desirable number of images and have a good design.

General Product Images information

It is very important to upload several images for each product. First of all, this attracts customers’ attention and draws their interest in the product. Secondly, a web store representing several pictures for each product gains more respect from customers.

A web store based on the standard Magento ® edition allows customers to navigate through all pictures after clicking on the main product image. This is configured automatically unless you wish to change that, so there would be no problem with the presentation of images. Let us learn how to add images in Magento ®.

Preparatory steps

These include preparation of images, taking photos of a product or working with them in graphical editors. This step includes several points:

  1. Think over the images that will represent the product and write the text for those images;
  2. Upload images to Magento ® file manager;
  3. Setup the rules and images representation order in Magento ®;
  4. Add headers and attributes ALT on each picture.

Step-by-step process will look as follows:

Develop the picture stylistics. It is very important to take into account all points that a customer would like to see. A full-size product picture is mandatory, as well as some ‘trouble’ places, e.g. for clothes that would be seams, fittings, fabric; for crockery – backside, edgings, etc.

The photos should be large and of good quality. Do not use pictures taken from other stores. First of all, this is a direct copyright violation, secondly, customers will not trust a store that is not able to upload their own pictures. The biggest error would be using a picture with another store’s watermark.

Uploading images in Magento ®

  1. Go to the admin panel;
  2. Go to Catalog → Manage Products. You will see Manage Product page. There all your store products are displayed;
  3. Click ‘Edit’ for a product where you would like to edit pictures. You will be moved to Product Information tab – General section;
  4. Go to Images tab;
  5. Click ‘Browse Images’;
  6. Select a picture in the pop-up window;
  7. Highlight the image you selected and click ‘Open’;
  8. You will be redirected to the image uploading page, your picture will be at the bottom;
  9. Use the same process to upload all necessary images and then save the changes unless autosave option is enabled;
  10. Click ‘Upload files’.

Upload the necessary files, check the results. Now you need to tell Magento ® the order in which the pictures should be presented:

  1. In the section ‘Sort Order’ enter the sequence number for this picture, choose it depending on the general pictures quantity in Magento ®;
  2. Click ‘Save and Continue Edit’;
  3. Now set up the name for each image, this is set in ‘Label’ field;
  4. Click ‘Save’.

Now the image optimization is complete. After adding or editing a product do not forget to save the changes. If you have any additional questions, please contact GoMage experts by leaving a comment to this article, and we will assist you.

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